Individualized & unrushed

What does it mean to be cared for by a midwife in your pregnancy? Some folks wonder if they will be compromising services or safety by seeking care with a midwife at home or in a birth center. Quite the opposite! Hiring a midwife and staying out of the larger medical system means you get more time, more attention, more intentional understanding of your life, your family, and your needs.

Our cesarean rate has always hovered between 3-5%, and well over 90% of our clients complete their experience without need for intervention-based care. At Womb to Room Midwifery you will get to know your midwife, and know that she will be the one at your birth. She will know your wants and needs intimately and will be working hard to meet all the needs and turn your wants into a dream come true.

Midwifery care and pain medication free childbirth isn’t everyone’s jam, although most folks qualify as “low risk” and are eligible for it. If it is what you want, you are absolutely capable of it, and we will support you through it tirelessly. We hold sacred that you know the way to birth that’s right for you, and we are here to provide access to low intervention, pain-medication free birth for those who seek it.

Let’s talk about the biggest question families have about their pregnancy care: SAFETY.

Did you know that the number one cause of medical mistakes is “communication errors”? These communication errors multiply in larger systems where there are multiple providers tracking hundreds of people. This is one of the reasons larger health systems emphasize protocol instead of the person - they want to reduce risk and keep you safe.

With Womb to Room Midwifery, you will be engaging in a model of care wherein your midwife spends a minimum of 13-15 hours with you prenatally in a full course of care. To give context, hiring an OB at a hospital would provide you with approximately 70-90 minutes total of prenatal face-to face time through a full course of care. When you birth you would then be cared for by anywhere from 5-20 different providers through the entire process, including nurses and other supportive providers. Like a game of telephone, the risk of errors increases with each new set of hands.

Everyone wants you and your family to be safe through this process, we just go about it in a different way. We know your safety is the utmost priority, we just know your birth can also be so much more while also maintining the highest standards. Our midwifery will have lazer-beam focus on getting your baby from the womb to the room safely, while also ensuring everyone involved treats you with with respect, dignity, and honoring your bodily sovereignty. It’s all important because this moment is everything to you and your family.

Book a Consultation

Happy to provide you a no-charge 1-hour consultation to answer all your questions

Text or call 425-243-2450

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